Data Domain, which has been acquired by EMC, recently introduced the DD880, a deduplication storage system with approximately double the capacity and speeds of previous models and a new version of the company’s management GUI with more granular system controls.
The DD880 supports an aggregate throughput of up to 5.4TB per hour and single-stream throughput up to 1.2TB per hour, and supports up to 71TB of addressable, post-RAID, pre-deduplication disk storage.
The new speeds and feeds of the DD880 controllers also mean the Data Domain DDX Array gets a boost. A fully configured DDX with 16 DD880 controllers increases aggregate throughput performance up to 86TB per hour and supports up to 56PB of usable capacity for long-term online data retention.
The DD880 supports more remote office backups than the DD690 using the Data Domain Replicator software option. One DD880 system can support a replication fan-in from up to 180 remote locations using smaller systems such as the DD120.
In addition to the DD880, Data Domain released a new version of Enterprise Manager, a GUI-based monitoring tool that now features configuration support for a range of features, including centralized management of multiple nodes and configuration of system replication and migration.
Data Domain claims the DD880 meets the needs of customers looking for bigger, faster systems for consolidation purposes.
“Large customers have been buying multiple DD690s to solve their problems. With the DD880, they can now get away with half the number of total systems. It’s a more cost effective solution,” says Ed Reidenbach, Data Domain’s senior director of product management.
List pricing for a DD880 with 22TB of usable capacity, NFS and CIFS access, and Enterprise Manager software is $400,000.
The Data Domain Replicator, Retention Lock, VTL and NetBackup OpenStorage (OST) features are available as software options.
According to industry research firm TheInfoPro’s Storage Study, Spring 2009, Data Domain leads the pack in terms of deduplication systems in use in the Fortune 1000. Surprisingly, Data Domain is also gaining ground in the virtual tape library (VTL) market via its VTL option, securing the third position behind EMC and IBM.
Shane Jackson, Data Domain’s senior director of product and channel marketing, expects the DD880 will help Data Domain continue to grow market share as the argument against inline deduplication becomes irrelevant.
“The argument that an inline deduplication system is going to be slower [than a post-process approach] doesn’t hold water anymore,” he claims. “Why wouldn’t you do inline dedupe if you can get it done within your backup window?”
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