Cirtas Systems came out of stealth mode this week with the Bluejet Cloud Storage Controller, which is analogous to RAID controllers but is designed specifically for cloud architectures rather than local disk drives.
“Today’s cloud is not truly a replacement for enterprise storage,” says Josh Goldstein, Cirtas’ vice president of marketing and product management, in an article posted on Enterprise Storage Forum. “Enterprise organizations won’t use cloud storage as is because it is insecure, slow, costly and lacks enterprise-class features. People tend to think about the cloud as a [storage repository] for dormant data.”
The “enterprise-class features” that Cirtas brings to the table include data encryption (in transit and at rest in the cloud), automated tiering, data deduplication, WAN optimization and compression, snapshots, and the ability to provision unlimited capacity using multiple cloud providers.
Once installed on a SAN, Bluejet’s CloudCache technology migrates data between a high-performance local cache and the cloud based on data access patterns, leaving the most recently and frequently accessed data cached on Bluejet while older data is stored in the cloud.
Cirtas has partnerships with a number of public cloud providers, including Amazon and Iron Mountain.